Frequently Asked Questions

  • Curate Performing Arts Academy (CPAA) is an after-school performing arts program for 3rd–8th graders. We bring theatre, dance, and music education directly to schools, making it easier for students to participate without extra transportation.

  • Classes are held on-site at participating schools, so there’s no need to transport your child to another location.

  • Classes are held three times per week—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday—after school. Specific times may vary depending on the school’s schedule.

  • Students receive professional instruction in acting, dance, and music. Throughout the year, they’ll work on individual and group performances, culminating in an end-of-year production.

    Courses Offered:
    Stagecraft & Performance
    Creative Dance & Choreography
    Vocal Performance & Choral Arts

  • Simply submit our online enrollment form. After submission, we’ll send a QuickBooks request for a recurring subscription to finalize payment.

  • If you need to withdraw your child, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss cancellation policies and next steps.

Performances & Events

  • Yes! Students perform 2–3 times at the end of the year:

    • A performance for parents

    • A performance for the school

    • A fundraiser performance attended by school staff, administration, and local nonprofits

  • We create a supportive and encouraging environment where students can build confidence at their own pace. Our instructors work closely with each student to ensure they feel comfortable and prepared.

  • We love parent involvement! You can volunteer to help with performances, assist with costumes or props, or support students in other ways throughout the year.

    Email Chaz to get involved:

Tuition & Scholarships

  • The tuition is $89.99/month for the first student and $69.99/month for additional students from the same family.

  • Yes, there is a one-time registration fee of $49.99, which covers t-shirts and other necessary equipment.

  • Yes! We offer a 20% discount for families who register early, prior to school year beginning.

    More details coming soon.

  • Payments can be made via credit card, debit card, or direct bank transfer through QuickBooks.

  • Scholarships are need-based and awarded based on the financial information provided in the scholarship application. Families must submit documentation to support their request.

    Email Chaz for more information about scholarships.

  • Tuition is due on the first of each month. Families will receive an invoice via email before the due date.

  • If a payment is missed, families will receive a reminder email. Continued missed payments may result in the student’s enrollment being put on hold until the balance is settled.

  • Yes, families can update their payment method by contacting CPAA directly before the next payment is due.

  • Yes, all payments will be acknowledged with a receipt sent via email.